Good news – I have been approved for the new laptop. I could have it as early as Friday, although that is wishful thinking. They said 5-10 days. But I have had stuff turn up with in 3 under those time scales before. You never know. But the good news is, I have a new laptop on the way. What a relief. I won’t have to worry about writing something and losing it less than a moment later.

The idea of Sunday Photo Fiction is to create a story / poem or something using around about 200 words with the photo as a guide. It doesn’t have to be centre stage in the story, I have seen some where the placement is so subtle, the writer states where it is.

Once you have written and posted your story, please add the link to the inlinkz froggy icon below and add it to the collection so we can all have a read.

The main object is to have fun.

Click on the image see a larger version.

166 07 July 31st 2016

26 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction – July 31st 2016

      1. Yay! Then “just” all the setting it up and getting it to work. But after all this waiting and dealing with problems with your old one, even that might seem like nothing.

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  2. Yippee! Just be prepared to wait hours on end to load everything you want on it. After that though it should be smooth sailing.

    I figured out I forgot to OK the thumbnail. So I actually got your photo in this time 🙂

    I did an Elfje story series here: Misfire?

    Liked by 1 person

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