Every week on a Sunday, a new photo is used as a prompt for Flash Fiction challenge using around 200 words based on that image. Your story does not have to be exactly what the item in the photo is as long as there is at least a reference to it. You can make it anything you want, and enjoy what you write, and we will as well.

Please remember to add your piece to the list of others by clicking on the little creature, and you can also add the creature to your own post by clicking on the link beneath it. Have fun, and I look forward to reading what you have written.

This photo was taken outside a vineyard. Country road between two towns

get the InLinkz code

55 04 April 13th 2014

14 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction: April 13th 2014

      1. Today was more cleaning out the tree from the creek and the first backyard mow. While the guys were cutting, dragging and staging several 400 pound pieces I cleaned up the branched of the willow that had falling and were blocking the gully. But at least it was a nice day to be outside 🙂


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