Thank you to everyone who took part this week, pushing the amount of people taking part closer to thirty every week. Thank you, I do enjoy reading your interpretations of the photos. They are always varied and original.

If you like writing challenges, here are several others you may like to attempt.

Haibun Thinking

Friday Fictioneers

Picture It & Write

Chain Writing Game

Storybook Corner

Jeremy’s Daily Challenge

Manny’s Writing Challenge

Every week on a Sunday, a new photo is used as a prompt for Flash Fiction challenge using around 100-200 words based on the photo given. Your piece does not have to be exactly what the item in the photo is, you can make it anything you want. Some writers have made the Beagle 2 probe a vacuum cleaner. So use the photo and enjoy what you write, and we will as well.

Please remember to add your piece to the list of others by clicking on the little creature, and you can also add the creature to your own post by clicking on the link beneath it. Have fun, and I look forward to reading what you have written.

get the InLinkz code

This is Thor - one of the Ravens from the Tower of London. Taken in 2009 It is said that if the Ravens ever leave the Tower, then England will fall. This is Thor – one of the Ravens from the Tower of London. Taken in 2009
It is said that if the Ravens ever leave the Tower, then England will fall.

20 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction: February 16th 2014

  1. Hey, Al, do you know your wee link thingy (sorry about the highly technical jargon) is different this week?
    And AnElephantCant hide his joy that the photo is not another piggin’ pigeon!


  2. This was fun — more or less a free write with some word trimming rather than self-editing. Ravens, the Tower of London and English history seem to be a common thread in my life these days.


    1. Fantastic I wished I had longer to spend there when I went, but it was near the end of the day so we only had about an hour or so there


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