Every week I am surprised at the amount and variation of stories that come out of my photos. Some of them are really ingenious and incredible, whilst others are really sweet and heart warming. Whatever genre you decide to write, I am grateful for everyone who takes part.

There are a number of contributors who take the time to comment on every post that is added to the Linkz page. One of these people hasn’t been able to visit as much as he would like due to an injury he has at the moment. Ceayr has asked me to apologise to everyone and let you all know that he has been reading, but has been unable to comment.

The idea of Sunday Photo Fiction is to create a story / poem or something using around about 200 words with the photo as a guide. It doesn’t have to be centre stage in the story, I have seen some where the placement is so subtle, the writer states where it is.

Once you have written and posted your story, please add the link to the little froggy below so that it is added to the collection and we can all have a read.

The main object is to have fun.

Click on the image see a larger version.

[A long exposure night shot of cars so the headlights and tail lights give the impression of streaks of light]

152 04 April 17th 2016

28 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction – April 17th 2016

  1. Pingback: The Old World |
  2. It is Monday morning, and I’m capturing the image to write on. One question: How do I do the ping back thing when I’m finished?

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