Every week on a Sunday, a new photo is used as a prompt for Flash Fiction challenge using around 200 words based on that image. Your story does not have to be exactly what the item in the photo is as long as there is at least a reference to it. You can make it anything you want, and enjoy what you write, and we will as well.

Please remember to add your piece to the list of others by clicking on the little creature, and you can also add the creature to your own post by clicking on the link beneath it. Have fun, and I look forward to reading what you have written.

get the InLinkz code

84 10 October 26th 2014As it is Hallowe’en this week, I thought I would post a photo that fit in with it.

Thank you everybody who takes part in this, I appreciate it.

30 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction: October 26th 2014

  1. AnElephantCant pretend he’s a brave chap
    But he thinks Al-owe’en is a whole heap of fun
    To get in the spirit
    He thinks this week must merit
    Two spectral stories for the price of one

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pumpkin: Scoop my brains out and toast them in butter.
    Me: Okay, you spooky little nutter…
    Pumpkin: Roast my flesh with sprinkled cheese.
    Me: Sounds good, but stop that please.
    Pumpkin: Then cut out my eyes and fill me with fire!
    Me: Erm… You’re not another squirrel liar?


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